Serious Sundays

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Ice Skating....duh

So ice skating is definetly easier. It's harder to slip and if you are really bad at it you can just march. Can I mention that my eight year old brother can ice skate, but he can't rollerblade. Also with iceskating you are wearing a lot of clothes because it is cold, so if you do fall it won't hurt as much. Also ice skates are way more easier to put on than rollerblading skates. Also there are learn to skate lessons that you can take if you want extra help.
So yeah ice skating is way easier

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Hi guys! This is Alexa. I forgot to mention that Marizo and I are starting with a Funny Friday Debate. I also want to let you know that I posted late for our debate, and that the post, "Rollerblading is easier", is part of Marizo and my Funny Friday Debate.

Thank you guys so much! Enjoy your weekend!

Rollerblading is easier!!

Hi everybody! I hoped you all enjoyed your week!

Today, Marizo and I will be posting the following debate: which one is easier -- rollerblading or ice skating?

I think that rollerblading is easier!

The following are the reasons why I think rollerblading is easier than ice skating:

  • the wheels on the blades of roller blades are made of plastic, which makes it harder to fall when rollerblading than ice skating
  • There is more friction between the wheels/blades of the roller blades and the floor than there is with the metal rods of ice skates and the ice (this makes it easier to fall and slip when ice skating than rollerblading/skating)
  • Rollerblading, in my opinion, is easier (based on experience) -- when I roller-bladed, it was easy for me to skate fast, and I didn't fall that much. On the other hand, when I ice skated, it was much harder (I slipped a lot), and I wasn't able to skate that fast
  • In addition, I feel that it is easier to learn and adapt to rollerblading than ice skating
  • Roller blades have built-in brakes, while ice skates do not (it is easier to stop with roller blades than with ice skates)
If you think that rollerblading is easier than ice skating, please comment on this post! Thank you!😃

Monday, February 19, 2018

Hi everybody! I am so sorry that Marizo and I have not posted a debate in a while. Starting this coming Friday, February 23, Marizo and I will be posting Funny Friday debates every week, and Serious Sunday debates every other week.

Thank you guys so much for your cooperation, and enjoy the rest of your day!