Serious Sundays

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Uniforms..... Are a Yes

 There are many people talking about getting uniforms in schools today, and others are talking about how they should be removed. I believe that there should be uniforms in schools and here is why.
 I personally have experience with uniforms. At my elementary school, we were required to wear them. When I was wearing them, I detested them and thought that they were just a method made to torture students. But now, I can see many reasons for having uniforms that I did not when I was a younger child.
 In a school, there can be students who are underprivileged and that can show through the types of clothes that they are wearing. One child could be wearing expensive designer clothes while another can be wearing clothes bought at a thrift shop. That can result in bullying which may have, many different types of consequences. But with uniforms, everyone will be wearing the same clothes which solves this problem.
 Also, kids may stress out over what clothes they are going to wear for school. I personally do sometimes do this, and with uniforms that stress is taken away. Sometimes also, a kid might wear clothes that are inappropriate for school. At my school, I'll sometimes see shorts that are extremely short or shirts that do not cover a person's shoulders.
 One might say that wearing uniforms makes it harder for kids to express themselves but you can have a choice in your uniform. For example, at my elementary school, girls had a choice of wearing a skort, a dress, shorts, a skirt, or pants. We also were able to choose what color shirt we wanted, dark blue, light blue, or white. Uniforms are good, but only in moderation. We can still give students choices in what they want to wear by allowing them to wear bracelets, armbands, headbands, and also letting them paint their nails.
 In conclusion, we should have uniforms at our school. Uniforms can help stop bullying, stress, and can still allow a child to express themselves.

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