Serious Sundays

Monday, December 11, 2017

Eating Healthy Food is Better!

Hi guys! I hope you are all enjoying your Monday!

I know that I am posting a bit late, but this still counts as a Serious Sunday debate.

Today, I will be debating against Marizo for the following debate: is it more important to eat food that tastes good, or eat healthy food?

I say that it is more important to eat healthy food! Here are the reasons why:

  • Eating healthy helps give you energy that you need during the day
  • It helps provide nutrients that you need to grow and repair
  • It helps keep you strong and healthy, preventing you from getting diet-related illnesses/diseases
  • It helps you maintain a healthy weight
  • Eating a healthy diet can help reduce your risk of heart disease
If you are eating something that tastes good, and it is something healthy, then I would totally agree with having you eat that food! But, if you are eating fat food that tastes good, you will not be eating healthy; in fact, you will almost be poisoning your body (if you are continuously having fat food).  Here are some fun facts about food and what it does to your body:
  • Fried food is terrible for your liver
  • Soda, because it is so acidic, burns your esophagus
  • Soda takes away all the calcium from your bones (pretty much disintegrates your bones)
So, I think, that it is better to be safe then sorry; it is better to eat healthier foods than take the risk of getting diet-related diseases and becoming unhealthy because you are eating something that tastes good, but is not healthy. Obviously, you should eat healthy foods that you like; don't try and force yourself in eating healthy foods that you don't like! And, it is perfectly fine to make an exception once in a while! You can definitely eat junk food once in a while -- it won't hurt you. It is just better, in the long-run, to eat healthier food rather than junk food that tastes really good. 

If you think that eating healthier food is better than eating food that tastes really good, please comment on this post! Thank you!😊


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